Friday 19 August 2011


Autumn, and then – hell’s teeth – WINTER! Three choices: leave the country, do away with myself, or somehow find a reason to carry on... Oh for God’s sake woman, just book your September dance classes. But which?

Ballet is always the first to come to mind – but unfortunately that’s where it stays. I jot down details from car window adverts, talk about doing it, tell everyone else to do it – even, for the last heaven knows how many years, get that exciting email from the English National Ballet about their Adult Ballet classes – but never actually go. Why? Perhaps it’s because I love ballet too much; trying to get anywhere with it would be like sleeping with an adored platonic friend. Oh, and there’s also the summer Frappuccino Factor: would ballet – at my level – burn off enough calories? Probably not.

Salsa will though, and apparently tones your tummy and butt too (if you put enough into it). I got up to a poor ‘Intermediate’, but took a break to try flamenco. Then I had my stupid trip accident (a severe foot sprain and fracture – something, I was chuffed to hear from A&E, that usually only happens to ballet dancers! Now I’m sure I was one in a previous life...) But I'll be back - Salsa’s fun, it’s friendly, and the slinky music thaws those winter blues...

Flamenco, however, is my dance. It’s got a soul. Probably why it doesn’t demand youth and a perfect body – even among its professionals. Why don’t more people try it? I’ll never forget my first lesson... If you’re interested in what it was like, there’s an extract from my second novel, Flamenco Baby, on my website (!
